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Boost your career -The STC Alliance Competition

The STC Alliance Competition (formerly The STC Regional TechComm Competition) is hosted by

a consortium of like-minded local and regional chapters who greatly value the benefits of STC technical communications competitions for our communities. These include Atlanta, New England, New York, Philadelphia, Rochester, South-Central Texas and Washington, DC-Baltimore. Read more about the STC Alliance.

Why should you participate?

You've worked hard -- why not get recognized for it?

You want to get some honest feedback from objective and experienced judges

You want to be one of the first to receive the newest and coolest TechComm award badges (see below)

Who can participate?

What can be entered?

How do I Submit an Entry?

Here are two important forms:

Online Entry Form (entries due December 6)

Judge Application Form (deadline is December 2)

We welcome your entries and judging applications and encourage you to share these links with your chapter members and friends.

Be among the first to receive prized award badges!

We proudly present the STC Alliance award badges that you can use in social media, websites, company publications, signatures and resumes. We believe everyone will want to earn one of these badges.

The logos and award badges were designed by our Design team composed of Laurie Fiaretti, Julie Wing and Bobbi Werner. Thank you!

Got more questions? Ask someone in the Alliance Competition Council.

The STC Alliance Competition | Sponsors are welcome! Make a tax-exempt contribution.

STC Alliance Competition | 808 Broadway, Suite 601, New York, NY 10003

Entering the competition can provide useful feedback and winning an award provides prestige that can help a tech writer's career.

Later Event: February 27
MEGAComm 2020