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Masterclass: From Everyday to Dramatic Moment with Ilana Blumberg


a masterclass with award-winning author & prize-winning lecturer


FEBRUARY 28, 10:00-15:00

We will explore two different ways to narrate our past as it explains who we are today: we can tell this story by finding critical, dramatic moments that we believe shaped us or we can try to evoke the general tenor of the world in which we grew up.

How can we put these two approaches into balance so as to create compelling narratives of our own development?

​How can such writing help us understand who we understand ourselves to be, and what we see as our place in the world, today?

This workshop is relevant for fiction writers considering how to create rich characters, as well as memoir writers reflecting on their own lives.

For more information & registration:

Ilana Blumberg is the author of Open Your Hand: Teaching as a Jew, Teaching as an American(Rutgers Press, 2018) and the Sami Rohr Prize-winning memoir, Houses of Study: A Jewish Woman Among Books. She directs the Shaindy Rudoff Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Bar-Ilan University where she is a senior lecturer in English literature. She is widely published in Victorian studies and has won teaching awards from the University of Pennsylvania and Michigan State University.

Date: February 28

Location: Talbiya/Katamon

Time: 10:00-15:00

Cost: 490 NIS

Nadia Jacobson

Breathe life into your writing