Creating Strong and Memorable Passwords

One of the most daunting and challenging tasks with whichour memory has to cope on an almost daily basis is remembering passwords.Modern life surrounds us with passwords, for almost any activity we need tocarry out, be it ordering books on the web, entering out computer at work oropening our free email service account from any computer other than our own. Weneed to provide strong passwords for using each of these services or computers,but we also have to make these passwords memorable, and desirably intuitive.

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Remembering Numbers

Digitsare amongst the most difficult things to learn are, as they seem to totallylack any meaning and therefore do not lend themselves to be easily memorized.However, an old mnemonic overcomes this obstacle by converting the digits toletters, which can be easily converted back to the requested number when theneed arises. The first part of this article explains this conversion method,while the second demonstrate one of the possible ways to put it into practicein the technical writing world - memorizing port numbers.

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