2nd Annual Tech Writers Picnic

2nd Annual Tech Writers Picnic - Responses

Sigalit Hadar-Nachmann

Hi Svi,

My family and I had a great time at the Hazorea pool. Thank you for a great opportunity to meet your family, Dr. Carolyn Tal, and other Technical Writers. What an original and awesome idea to get people together!

Kind regards,Sigalit

==================== Sigalit Hadar-Nachmann Technical Writer ====================

Bila Sher

I want to add my praise to the family get together sponsored by the Yokneam forum at the lovely Kibbutz Hazorea swimming pool. The pool is surrounded by beautiful forested hills, giving the feeling of chutz la-aretz in our own backyard.

Carolyn Tal prepared some interesting group activities, adding interaction and a little tension.

Nothing like dipping in the cool pool waters, enjoying a peasent family outing, and combining it all with professional networking and shmoozing.

I highly recommend all technical writers to make the effort to join the fun next summer. Please schedule again at the beginning or end of the summer, when people are before and after holidays.

Bila Sher